A busy street turned into a scene of hope and love when Christian Joshuapale heard a faint whining sound coming from a nearby ditch. Upon investigation, he found a mother dog and her four puppies buried under mud and debris. The puppies were less than a week old, weak, and struggling to breathe, and their […]
Dog New
“Rescue Urgently Needed: Stray Dog Trapped Under Gate Cries in Pain Until Losing Consciousness, Please Save Him.”
A puppy litter was rescued from near-death after being found abandoned and caught beneath an iron fence in a woodland next to a private property. The little dog, who was famished and dehydrated, was found by a Good Samaritan crushed under an iron fence. He was malnourished and suffering from severe mange, a parasitic skin […]
“A Touching Moment: Injured and Hungry Mother Dog Fights to Protect Her Vulnerable Cubs with Her Last Strength.”
The tale of Utah, an abandoned dog navigating the bustling streets of a metropolitan city, is a poignant narrative that will resonate with animal enthusiasts worldwide. Utah’s path was riddled with challenges and perils, yet her compassionate and gentle nature remained unwavering, even amidst adversity. Utah embarked on her journey amidst the unforgiving streets, tirelessly […]
“Three Orphaned Puppies Struggle for Survival, Longing for a Miracle After Losing Their Mother for Days.”
They arrived to invesTigɑr after receiving a call about a mother dogɑ and her pupɾros that had been lost in the woods. But when we got there, we noticed a grim scene. the pups were starving and hiding in the adjacent spurs after the mother dog died a few days earlier. Read some positive comments: […]
“A Hopeful Chase: Homeless Dog Pursuing a Car for Rescue Finds His Second Chance”
Valia Orfanidou saw a little black and white homeless puppy emerge from the bushes and begin to trot purposely after her car as she was traveling along a country road in Greece. She halted her car and stared at him with astonishment in the rearview mirror. Greek animal rescuer Valia runs a blog called The […]