An adorable cat’s infectious good humor sparks smiles among Internet users, captivating them with her charming and communicative nature.
Aurora is a cat who is an expert in smiles. It was his mistress who chose to share the recurring expressions of her fur ball on social networks. Blending into smiles and the cutest facial expressions, Aurora is a great success with Internet users.

There is a common misconception that only humans can smile. Animals also have this ability and use very different means to achieve it. These expressions of joy are often communicative and trigger laughter and tenderness in those who observe. This phenomenon of “mirror neurons” often induces a smile in return. We therefore have, once again, the opportunity to communicate with our four-legged friends, to understand each other and to bring together common emotions.
On the internet, many videos show cats and dogs proud to show off their most beautiful expressions . Aurora, a cat known on social networks, shares her good humor on the “ ” account. His mistress regularly posts the most beautiful smiles of her animal with gray fur and a strong character.
Aurora and her very own grimace
Aurora particularly attracted the attention of Internet users because in the videos posted by her mistress, she displays a smile close to the human smile that we know: she tenses the corners of her mouth and stretches her face horizontally, as if to communicate the immense joy felt. To activate this smile, all it takes is for his mistress to gently scratch his chin and his legendary smile unfolds. The cat’s eyes also close, showing the great pleasure she is experiencing and the feeling of fullness she is feeling. On Tik Tok the cat is experiencing real success, well beyond the expectations of her human.

1.2 million views for the cat with the memorable smile
Last May, a video met with particular success. Covered by Parade Pet , the video exploded, gaining more than 1.2 million views. The music in the background has nothing to do with it. Aurora melts into smiles and purrs to the rhythm of the song “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars. The chorus of the hit goes particularly well with the feline: “Don’t believe me just watch” : in fact, you have to see Aurora to believe the cuteness of her smile.
Alongside this video, the cat mistress recalls that she has been “training” since 2012. This smile has therefore existed for 11 years and has been shared with millions of Internet users. We can therefore say that Aurora has experience and knows how to attract the sympathy of those who observe her, even through social networks.
On the other videos posted by her mistress, we can see the cat oscillating between a frank smile and a more neutral expression. If Aurora pleases many Internet users for her joie de vivre, she also reminds us that she has her own character.