This Remarkable Maine Coon Serves as a Deaf Sailor’s Trusted Companion, Guiding Them through the Seas

Skatty is a very special cat. He’s a Maine Coon and a , which means he has extra toes on his feet.
He loves to go sailing with his human, Paul, and they regularly set sail on their boat La Chica.
“He chose to join me in the cockpit, which he does to this day,” explains Paul.
“It was a bit awkward to try and sail a boat with a young kitten that is determined to sit on your lap, but we managed.
Once the sails were up, he relaxed somewhat but still wanted to be with me.”
Even though Paul is deaf, he doesn’t let it get in the way of his love for sailing.
Paul adopted Skatty when he was 2 months old and before long the two of them were off sailing together on La Chica.
The pair communicate perfectly and Paul has learned to read Skatty’s body language as he gives him visual clues to help navigate the sea.
The two of them have an incredible bond and are inseparable.